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LETTER: Reader laments East Ferris decision not to fly Pride flag

'The Pride flag is not solely a symbol of sexual orientation or gender identity; it is a symbol of resilience, courage, and solidarity in the face of adversity. It represents the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance, not just for LGBTQ+ individuals, but for all marginalized groups'

To the editor:

I am writing to express my profound disappointment upon learning that our municipality has voted against flying the Pride flag during Pride Month.

This decision not only overlooks the struggles and identities of LGBTQ+ individuals within our community but also fails to recognize the broader significance of the Pride flag as a symbol of inclusivity and diversity. I believe it is important to highlight the multifaceted nature of the Pride flag and its representation within our community.

One of the arguments raised against flying the Pride flag is that it represents only a small segment of the population. However, it is essential to recognize that the LGBTQ+ community is diverse and encompasses individuals from all walks of life, including people of different races, ethnicities, religions, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Attempting to quantify the exact number of individuals represented by the Pride flag overlooks this diversity and fails to acknowledge the numerous intersecting identities within the LGBTQ+ community.

Also, displaying the Pride flag is a tangible way for our municipality to show its support for LGBTQ+ youth who may be struggling with their identities or facing bullying and harassment. Seeing the flag flying proudly sends a powerful message of hope and acceptance, letting these young people know they are not alone and that their community stands with them.

The Pride flag is not solely a symbol of sexual orientation or gender identity; it is a symbol of resilience, courage, and solidarity in the face of adversity. It represents the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance, not just for LGBTQ+ individuals, but for all marginalized groups. Flying the Pride flag is a statement of support for human rights and social justice, transcending the boundaries of sexual orientation and gender identity to embrace a broader message of inclusivity and diversity.

It is also important to consider the impact that the absence of the Pride flag may have on LGBTQ+ individuals within our community. For many, seeing the Pride flag flying proudly serves as a source of validation and affirmation of their identities. It sends a powerful message that they are accepted and valued members of society and our community. By choosing not to fly the Pride flag, our municipality risks sending the opposite message — one of exclusion and marginalization.

In a time when divisiveness and intolerance seem to be on the rise, it is more important than ever for local governments to lead by example and promote unity and understanding. Flying the Pride flag is a simple yet meaningful way for our municipality to do just that.

Flying the Pride flag is not about promoting any ideology or political agenda; it is about recognizing the fundamental human rights of all individuals to love who they choose and to express their true selves without fear of discrimination or persecution. It is about fostering a community where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.

I urge our municipality to reconsider its decision and to join countless other communities across the country in proudly displaying the Pride flag during Pride Month and beyond. Let us show the world that we are a community that celebrates diversity, embraces inclusion, and stands in solidarity with ALL its residents.

Kim Berube

East Ferris