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Public pressure forces second meeting to discuss fee proposal

It appears that intense public pressure, specifically from social media, has convinced the Police Services Board to re-think its one meeting decision regarding an administrative fee for giving warnings for minor traffic violations.

It appears that intense public pressure, specifically from social media, has convinced the Police Services Board to re-think its one meeting decision regarding an administrative fee for giving warnings for minor traffic violations.

Last week, the Board announced that it was hosting a public meeting on Friday November 7th, at 10 a.m. at the North Bay Police headquarters to discuss the new charge

That meeting will still take place.

But his afternoon, the Board issued a news release adding a second meeting.

"In response to concerns raised by some members of the public who would like to participate in the above discussion but cannot due to work commitments, the Board will also host a second public meeting," says the release.

Topic:  Proposed Amendments to Fee Schedule
First meeting: Friday 7 November 2014 at 10 a.m.
Second meeting: Saturday 8 November 2014 at 9 a.m.
Location:  North Bay Police Service Headquarters, 135 Princess Street West
Details:  The NBPS Board proposes to add a fee to the Board’s fee schedule by-law to recover the costs associated with traffic warnings and three-day reports (Compliance Notices).