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Join Nipissing Naturalists Club for the annual bird count

Ontario Nature News Release ***** Each year, Ontario Nature member groups organize bird counts in their communities across Ontario as part of their holiday traditions.

Ontario Nature

News Release


Each year, Ontario Nature member groups organize bird counts in their communities across Ontario as part of their holiday traditions.

The counts bring citizen scientists together to count as many different species, and individuals of those species, as possible over the course of a single day.

The data collected allow researchers and conservation organizations to study the long-term population numbers and ranges of birds across North America.

Armed with this information, groups like Ontario Nature can effectively run and evaluate conservation activities.

Bird Studies Canada oversees Canada's Christmas Bird Counts in collaboration with the National Audubon Society.

Christmas Bird Counts are open to everyone welcoming birders of all skill levels and, starting this year, they are free.


Locally Nipissing Naturalists Club will be conducting the count December, 14th in the North Bay Area call Brent Turcotte 705-472-3335 or email him at [email protected] for further information.