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Are you a leader or a bystander?

The Rotary Club of North Bay News Release ********************** In the fight to finally eradicate Polio from the entire world it’s a fine line between a leader and a bystander.
The Rotary Club of North Bay
News Release


In the fight to finally eradicate Polio from the entire world it’s a fine line between a leader and a bystander. Canada has always been a leader in this fight – we invented the Polio vaccine; we eradicated the disease from our country; we’ve helped eradicate it from all but three countries in the world.

Once again the Canadian government has shown leadership in the effort to eradicate Polio by agreeing to match Canadian Rotarian and Canadian Rotary Club donations to Polio through the Rotary Foundation.

The (Bill & Melinda) Gates Foundation will also match donations 1:1.

Between now and March 31st, 2013 – we have the opportunity to access $2 for every $1 donated; totalling $3 - to inject up to $3 million towards this winning effort.

This global initiative has other partners working as diligently: WHO (World Health Organization), UNICEF, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and dozens of other countries stand beside Rotary.

But Rotary is asking YOU to go from bystander to leader. All it takes, they say, is a small amount of involvement on your part. Talk to your parents and grand-parents: those who remember Polio and are grateful to be rid of this threat. Rotarians are spreading the word to friends and colleagues in a bid to educate the public that Polio still exists; but we are THIS close to being rid of it forever. Rotarians are urging everyone to spread the word; learn about Polio; talk about Polio; and donate at you can be part of history as we work together to eliminate the final 1% of polio cases worldwide.

The Rotary Club of North Bay, in partnership with The Rotary Club of North Bay-Nipissing and The Rotaract Club of North Bay-Nipissing, are doing their part with their recent Tag Day fundraiser, current billboard campaign, featuring cartoonist Lynn Johnston and club donations. To get involved please contact us at

In Canada, Polio was one of the most feared childhood diseases of the 20th century. Polio was so feared that as recently as the 1950s, it closed schools, emptied streets and banned children under 16 from entering many public places. Many younger Canadians have never heard of this paralyzing disease that deformed limbs and in the most severe cases, caused death by asphyxiation. Our last case was as late as 1977. Our next case could be but a plane ride away.

This is the opportunity for all Canadians to play a truly peace-keeping and life-saving mission.

1.2 million Rotarians worldwide, including The Rotary Club of North Bay, are doing just that; showing that they are leaders to eradicate polio. It takes so little to change the course of history. Join Rotary and its partners today by becoming a leader to save children worldwide.
