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'We’ve got each other’s back,' American Ambassador David Jacobson

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, American Ambassador David Jacobson, North Bay Mayor Al McDonald and CFB North Bay Wing 22 Commander Colonel Namiesniowski take in the Armed Forces Day celebrations at the Waterfront Friday. Photo by Taylor Marleau.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, American Ambassador David Jacobson, North Bay Mayor Al McDonald and CFB North Bay Wing 22 Commander Colonel Namiesniowski take in the Armed Forces Day celebrations at the Waterfront Friday. Photo by Taylor Marleau.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and American Ambassador David Jacobson paid a visit to the North Bay Waterfront today marking Armed Forces Day and the 60th anniversary of 22 Wing CFB North Bay.

Giving a quick history lesson of the underground operations of the past at 22 Wing CFB North Bay, Harper reminded everyone that enemy activity still a huge threat to Canadian sovereignty and applauded the military men and women for their continued efforts to keep Canada safe.

"Over its chilling lifespan, 17,000 servicemen and women rotated through NORAD's underground complex. While the rest of us slept restfully at night and went about our business during the day, these watchers kept constant vigil. Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for more than 40 years, members of the NORAD team traveled 60 storeys underground to do this work. In a facility cut through the Canadian Shield and built to withstand a direct nuclear hit, they did their duty."

“Today NORAD’s operations in North Bay are located above ground, but the skies remain uncertain in this post 9-11 world. The men and women of 22 Wing are still Canada’s first line of defence and their jobs are just as crucial today,” states Harper.

“And today Canadians and Americans continue their work in friendship and firm resolve to keep our continent secure.”

Concluding his speech Harper told the crowd he had one point to make about national defence in the modern age.

“Both Canadians and Americans live in societies that expect many things from government, so many in fact that we need to regularly remind ourselves of the following fundamental truths; the first duty everywhere and always is to protect its people and its territory from external threats and our government takes this responsibility very, very seriously.”

“22 Wing you have my personal gratitude for all the sacrifices that you and your families make for Canadians daily.”

“And I am very proud, as we all are, as Prime Minister of Canada to salute all the men and women of the Canadian Forces on this their very special day. Thank you for your work God bless all of you and God bless Canada.”

Ambassador Jacobson echoed Harper’s gratitude offering thanks to the military members of both countries for keeping families safe every day.

“For generations Canadians and Americans have served shoulder to shoulder around the world in places like here in North Bay where Canadians command American troops as they did in Afghanistan – the United States doesn’t do this with any other country on earth and it reflects the respect and the trust that we have in each other.”

Jacobson went on to say he has witnessed the unique partnership first hand as both countries served together in Afghanistan.

He noted that both navies worked seamlessly together in the Caribbean, Mediterranean Seas as well as the Indian Ocean.

“Ladies and Gentlemen when we need each other we’re there for each other - it’s as simple as that, it’s as profound as that. We’ve got each other’s back in North America, in this hemisphere, in the Middle East and around the world.”

“And on behalf of President Barack Obama and on behalf of the American people I want to thank the men and women of the armed forces for their services and I want to thank the Canadian people for sending them here and for supporting them.”