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Mattawa students to participate in mock crash Monday

OPP News Release *********************** Mattawa – In an effort to reduce injuries related to substance abuse and to increase awareness about the risks of distracted driving, steering committees of community partners and students have come together t
OPP News Release


Mattawa – In an effort to reduce injuries related to substance abuse and to increase awareness about the risks of distracted driving, steering committees of community partners and students have come together to create a mock crash scenario.

Students from the Mattawa area identified “house” parties as a common and significant risk for young people. Community partners are concerned about the misuse of alcohol and cannabis in particular, and the fact that students have to drive to these out-of-the-way locations. Although many students get the message about drinking and driving, many still feel that distracted driving is okay. These same students also identified other risky behaviours such as not using a seat belt, using hand held devices and crowding vehicles.

Students from F.J.McElligott Secondary School and community partners from the area have created a realistic scenario involving multiple risk behaviours. The Mock Crash and extrication will be a surprise for the Grade 9 through 12 students, who will walk to the Mattawa Arena to watch a student-created video of a pre-party. The video will show the lead up to the crash scenario, identifying several risk behaviours. The crash scenario involves a car full with 3 girls and 1 guy, with a distracted designated driver, and another vehicle occupied by a young family (mother, father and infant).

After the “crash extrication”, students will view a video showing the hospital scene and messages from community partners

The Mock Crash Event begins at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 30th at the Mattawa arena, 450 Hurdman street, in Mattawa. The video and the post-crash education session will take place on the ice surface. The crash extrication will take place in the back of the building.
