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No one should be alone or hungry at Christmas

Once again the Community Christmas Dinner Committee lived up to their motto ‘No one should be alone or hungry at Christmas,’ by doing their best today by providing a warm social atmosphere with a traditional dinner.

Once again the Community Christmas Dinner Committee lived up to their motto ‘No one should be alone or hungry at Christmas,’ by doing their best today by providing a warm social atmosphere with a traditional dinner.

The non-denominational committee's mission is to create a warm comfortable atmosphere for those who wish to share a Christmas meal.

And with over 200 guests served at the Pro-Cathedral hall and 118 volunteers on hand to help out all would say it was a great success.

Committee Chair David Johnson says food safety is a personal interest of his and that is how he became involved with the committee six years ago.

“Food security is a passion of mine,” he states.

“I’ve done everything from serving, to washing dishes and climbed my way up the ladder in the six years here and for two years I have been on the committee.”

Johnson says he doesn’t have firm numbers on the time the team puts in pulling the event together but he says the committee will start meeting in February once a month and in November and December they meet twice a month until Christmas Day.

“I don’t know the exact amount of hours we put in … whatever it takes.”

He also notes that without the generosity of the community the dinner would not happen.

“We live in a very generous community.”

“Ninety percent of the food is donated and we bought the butter, buns and green beans this year through charitable donations.”

When all is said and done Johnson says the committee will go through 230 pounds of turkey, 2 bushels of turnips, 50 pounds of carrots and green beans to put on the party.

“The potatoes, stuffing and gravy come prepared but there is enough for 250 people.”

“As you can see it is a celebration.”

“No one needs to be alone or hungry at Christmas.”

For 12 year-old Chloe Carriere volunteering was great way to make this Christmas a memorable one.

"It made me feel better that I did something for Christmas becasue I bet you like 10 years from now I won't remember what I got for Christmas, but I will remember what I did and that I helped these people."