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Latest Northeast Region fire update

MNR News Release ******************** PROVINCIAL OVERVIEW - Minimal precipitation was recorded in the areas of concern in northwestern Ontario.
MNR News Release


PROVINCIAL OVERVIEW - Minimal precipitation was recorded in the areas of concern in northwestern Ontario. New lightning occurred in the areas of concern and consequently several new fires are expected today as the skies clear and humidities drop. The weather outlook for the area does not show significant precipitation for the next three to five days.

There were 11 new fire starts yesterday with 128 fires currently burning in Ontario. Fire activity is not expected to delay moving people home to the far north, but smoke concerns are being monitored for Cat Lake, Slate Falls and Pikangikum. The fire situation is far from over in Ontario and Aviation and Forest Fire Management continues to utilize over 2,000 personnel in today's fire fighting effort. There is still a lot of hard work and long days ahead to put the fires out.

NEW FIRES - Four fires were reported on Tuesday, August 2 in North Bay (1) and Sudbury (3) districts.

North Bay 41 - human caused - under control - 0.6 hectares - north of River Valley

Sudbury 59 - human caused - out - 0.1 hectares - northeast of the Sudbury Airport

Sudbury 60 - human caused - out - 0.1 hectares - east of the Sudbury Airport

Sudbury 61 - lightning caused - out - 0.1 hectares - south of Gilbert Lake

One new fire was reported by the evening of August 3.

Bancroft 4 - human caused - out - 0.1 hectares - east of Brule Lake

ACTIVE FIRES - There are an additional eight active fires in the region.

Cochrane 6 - lightning caused - being observed - 500.0 hectares - 63 kilometers southwest of Kashechewan

Cochrane 13 - lightning caused - being observed - 600.0 hectares - 30 kilometres southeast of Peawanuck

Cochrane 15 - lightning caused - being observed - 50.0 hectares - west of Attawapiskat

Cochrane 17 - lightning caused - being observed - 200.0 hectares - 43 kilometers southwest of Fort Albany

Cochrane 18 - lightning caused - being observed - 8.0 hectares - 44 kilometers south of Fort Albany

North Bay 38 - lightning caused - being held - 0.8 hectares - northwest of Silver Lake

North Bay 40 - lightning caused - under control - 0.7 hectares - west of Lake Temagami

Sault Ste. Marie 17 - lightning caused - not under control - 1.0 hectares - north of Mississa gi Provincial Park

FIRE HAZARD - The fire hazard is moderate in the northern half of the region since it is under mainly sunny skies. The hazard drops to low in the southern half of the region due to increased precipitation.

Fire Danger Map in Ontario

SAFETY MESSAGE - Planning on enjoying a campfire this weekend? Keep your fire small, build it on bare rock or dirt, never leave it unattended and make sure it is completely extinguished before leaving the site. Drown! Stir! Drown!

Also, remember to be careful with smoking materials in forested areas while hiking or picking berries.

If you live within a municipality, contact your local municipal office or fire department before burning.

For public inquiries on the forest fire situation in Ontario, please call 1-800-667-1940.

Be FireSmart! For more information, visit and report forest fires using the toll-free reporting number: 310-FIRE (3473).
