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NipU students take to international stage to promote bio energy

Nipissing University News Release *********************** Starting this fall, biology and business students at Nipissing University will have the opportunity for international travel while learning about and promoting wood-based bio energy as a renew

Nipissing University
News Release


Starting this fall, biology and business students at Nipissing University will have the opportunity for international travel while learning about and promoting wood-based bio energy as a renewable energy solution.

The project, titled EU-Can Bio Power: Transatlantic Empowering the Skills, Knowledge and Know-how in Teaching and Learning Bio Energy Entrepreneurship, is only one of 10 funded through Human Resources Skills for Development in the 2010-13 competition.

“The expertise and knowledge-base Nipissing University has in its biology and business programs as well as the recently formed Biomass Innovation Centre, are some of the key reasons as to why we were selected for this prestigious project,” said Karen Strang, acting director of international initiatives at Nipissing. “This is an exciting opportunity for our students to combine environmental concerns and sustainable development with traveling to learn about other cultures. It’s a terrific, winning combination.”

Over a two-year period, 18 students will be able to participate in the partnership. Students who are selected will receive $4,000 each for a travel stipend.

The partnership will also prove advantageous to faculty members, who will work with their peers in partnering institutions to share research interests and to develop courses from a team-teaching perspective.

Local companies active in the bio energy sector will also work with students and faculty members to promote the use of bio fuels and educate people on best practices as well as current and potential uses. Nipissing is planning to host a symposium this fall where faculty members and local companies can connect to further their expertise in this area.

Nipissing University is proud to be partnering with the following institutions for the EU-Can Bio Power project: New Brunswick Community College, La Cité collégiale d’Ottawa, North Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Slovak Agricultural University (Slovakia).
