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City's 'Lemonade Kids' back in action for 6th year in a row!

Graeme Vaananen (l) and Maddy Waller (r) present the $457 raised to the Terry Fox organizers on Sunday morning at the North Bay waterfront. Story and photo provided by Ken Waller.

Graeme Vaananen (l) and Maddy Waller (r) present the $457 raised to the Terry Fox organizers on Sunday morning at the North Bay waterfront. Story and photo provided by Ken Waller.

The Lemonade Kids were back in action this past weekend as they completed
their 6th Annual Lemonade Kids Fundraiser for Terry Fox.

The local students set up their home baking and lemonade stand on the corner of Copeland & Murray Streets on Saturday -- braving the cold temperatures and rain.

Their efforts raised $457.00 for the cancer research cause.

Participating this year were:

* Maddy Waller (Widdifield SS)
* Graeme Vaananen (WJ Fricker Sr)
* Lauren Udeschini (Widdifield SS)
* Jacob Bentley (Widdifield SS)

The kids would like to extend a big thank you to the local supporters who
stopped by to donate. As well, a big thank you goes out to Aunt Brenda,
Aunt Karen, Uncle Ken, Grandma Jan & friend Lucille for their home baking
and assistance throughout the event. Great team work. Working together to
help Terry complete his dream!

Everyone is looking forward to 2011 and the 7th annual event.