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Plan moves forward to develop city's arts, culture and heritage sector

City council moved the Municipal ç (ACH) Plan another step forward Monday night after passing a motion that will see $53,000 allotted to hire the firm to create the plan.
City council moved the Municipal ç (ACH) Plan another step forward Monday night after passing a motion that will see $53,000 allotted to hire the firm to create the plan.

Councillor Mike Anthony, who moved the motion, says councillors were unanimous in their support for the ACH in the community.

“When complete; this will give ACH groups guidance; will help identify opportunities to work together, and opportunities to work with the community; and will help them with expertise and credibility when applying for funds from other levels of government,” he explains.

“And the whole project will be a modest $90,000. The province kicked in almost half of that as they understand how important arts, culture & heritage is in establishing a city's identity.”

He says there's about $37,000 left to carry out the project and move it forward.

“The group AuthntiCity, awarded the contract to create the plan, is expected to put a lot of work into this; engaging the user groups, and bring a final draft back before council in a year or less.”

“The remaining funds will be used to hire a contract-only intern position to help with actual implementation.”

Anthony says while the plan is a modest investment the payoffs and spin offs should be large when it comes to that sector.

“These groups deserve and require municipal focus and investment just like road work, sports, parks, and economic development.”

“The ACH community adds to the overall quality of life here, which helps companies or individuals considering a move or a return to the Gateway City.”