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Anthony's stand on Tweedsmuir Park

Councillor Mike Anthony is out of the country and will not be present for tonight's council meeting where a decision for Tweedsmuir Park will be made and spoke with BayToday about the issue and where he stands on the matter.
Councillor Mike Anthony is out of the country and will not be present for tonight's council meeting where a decision for Tweedsmuir Park will be made and spoke with BayToday about the issue and where he stands on the matter.

"I will be out of the country and unable to return in time for the meeting. The plans were planned, booked, and paid for several months ago . Unfortunately I cannot change them."

"On August 23rd I was one of the four councillors who voted against putting any houses on the Tweedsmuir location. As Councillor Graham has asked for "notice of reconsideration" on the Tweedsmuir issue; I felt I should address the situation that will arise at our next Council meeting September 7th."

Anthony told BayToday that you does not believe that the notice of reconsideration will pass; but in the event that it does he has taken some steps.

"First I've contacted each of the dozens of people who've emailed make them aware that while I support no future reduction of recreation space; I will unfortunately not be available to vote on the reconsideration motion. But I've committed to people that I have heard the community; and I believe the vast majority do not support any reduction in recreation/park space. I stand by that 100%."

"As well; on the slim chance that the matter is reconsidered; I have spoken with Councillors Graham and Mayne. If the unlikely does occur and the matter is reconsidered; Councillors Graham & Mayne will take ownership of my amendment to withdraw rezoning and leave the ball fields as they are."