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Retracing a major route in Canada's history

Story and photos provided by Chris Mayne. The David Thompson Brigade arrived in North Bay this week on their journey across Canada retracing the historic Voyageur canoe route.

Story and photos provided by Chris Mayne.

The David Thompson Brigade arrived in North Bay this week on their journey across Canada retracing the historic Voyageur canoe route. Starting in early July at Thunder Bay, the group plans to finish in Montreal by the end of summer.

Officially their stop in North Bay was a rest day so Friends
of La Vase Portages offered to help portage and paddle "Boona" the 29 foot, 325 pound canoe across the historic height of land portage that connects Lake Nipissing to Trout Lake.

Noting that La Vase Portages represent the only section of the nationally significant heritage canoe route that is under private ownership, the Brigade wished the Friends of La Vase success in their efforts to protect the last remaining undeveloped areas from industrial activity in the area.

The David Thompson Brigade group's progress can be followed at and more information on La Vase Portages can be found at