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Recycling changes looming

With the City’s recycling contract ending in July, the Councillors voted in favour of making changes. “The consensus is: It needs to be expanded,” Councillor, Chris Mayne said.
With the City’s recycling contract ending in July, the Councillors voted in favour of making changes.

“The consensus is: It needs to be expanded,” Councillor, Chris Mayne said.

It will be expanded to now include plastic containers and just, such as margarine containers.

“When we go to tender we’ll be asking for a price to accept tubs and lids,” Mayne added.

Mayne did stress, however, that the city will not be accepting Styrofoam goods (cups, plates, saucers, etc…)

“The best thing to do for people to do there is to still just don’t use them,” Mayne said.

The fact that some local restaurants are beginning to use paper goods rather than Styrofoam is some Mayne likes to see.