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City announced 2010 operating budget

Council announced their operating budget for the upcoming year at Monday Night’s committee meeting of council, and their total budget will be up approximately 3.47% from 2009.
Council announced their operating budget for the upcoming year at Monday Night’s committee meeting of council, and their total budget will be up approximately 3.47% from 2009.

This year, the City will withdraw nearly $680,000 dollars to offset some of their budget. However, Deputy Mayor, Peter Chirico said it’s not something they want to do on a regular basis.

“It’s important as a policy of this council, that we don’t look at one-time funding,” Chirico said. “Such as withdrawal from reserves without a plan in place to make sure it’s sustainable in the future.”

Chirco said the City will start to ‘wean themselves off’ of taking money from reserves so that in a few years they’re no longer obligated to do so.

“When you don’t have sustainable funding…the following year, you’re twice as likely to fall into the ditch.”