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2010 Capital Budget released

City council unveiled their Capital Budget for the upcoming year of 2010 on Monday night. The group of ten moved the motion forward which will see the city spend roughly $38 Million this coming year.
City council unveiled their Capital Budget for the upcoming year of 2010 on Monday night. The group of ten moved the motion forward which will see the city spend roughly $38 Million this coming year. Deputy Mayor, Peter Chirico said the money won’t necessarily come from tax-payers only.

“These (projects) will be funded through various provincial grants and federal grants,” Chirico said.

Chirico joked about not raising taxes at all.

“You want a zero percent tax increase? I can give you one,” Chirico said. “But I don’t want to be around the following year.”

However, residents of the Gateway City will see an increase in their taxes; something he said is necessary as the city moves forward.

“This type of investment in our community is required on an annual basis,” Chirico said. “Anybody that tells you any different; they’re not telling you the truth.”