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Mayor takes another step in Buy American battle

North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli News Release ********************** North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli has launched another phase in the ‘Buy American’ battle.
North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli
News Release


North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli has launched another phase in the ‘Buy American’ battle. A Letter to the Editor has been sent to every (English) newspaper in the Country asking citizens to contact their local mayor to join the battle.

The Government of the United States, in its effort to provide an infrastructure stimulus package, has placed Buy American requirements for contracts using stimulus funds, which undermines the intent and spirit of free trade that has existed between Canada and the United States for decades.

The thrust of the campaign is for Canadian mayors to write to mayors of U.S. cities where they are making large purchases. The letters are to remind U.S. mayors that the purchases made by Canadian municipalities have helped their cities survive through the recession. Unfortunately, the same U.S. cities can’t purchase Canadian good and services with their stimulus money, due to the Buy American provision.

The Letter also adds that naturally cities prefer to buy Canadian goods, but sometimes we simply don’t make the products here.  And because cities want to get the best value for their local taxpayers, they go with the best price, no matter where they’re located.

A new Web site has been launched at that outlines the whole campaign, and includes a step-by-step process for local mayors to get involved.
