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It's time to fight fast food lethargy!

Euphoria Smoothies News Release ******************** What is FF1L1? FF1L1 or Fast Food Lethargy can be an embarrassing condition, which is classified as a non-infectious eating disorder.
Euphoria Smoothies
News Release


What is FF1L1? FF1L1 or Fast Food Lethargy can be an embarrassing condition, which is classified as a non-infectious eating disorder. Symptoms include anxiety, dry mouth, nausea, upset stomach, boredom, and lethargy.

Because the disorder builds slowly over time, many cases of FF1L1 go untreated; victims may be unaware that they have the disorder. As one might imagine, FF1L1 frequently leads to psychological and social problems for the victim as well as their friends and family. It’s impact on one’s self-esteem and self-assurance, combined with its muting of the senses, killing of the natural taste buds often strains relationships and can tragically tear families apart.

Fortunately Euphoria's award-winning 100% natural fruit smoothies can instantaneously reverse FF1L1. Consumption of any Euphoria Fruit or Power Smoothie, such as their Tropical Oasis, Coco Loco, Acai Jungle Juice, Iron Man, Acai Jungle Power eliminates symptoms immediately.

Likely side effects include a natural feeling of happiness, euphoric sensation of well-being and love for life. This quick cure for FF1L1 is Available "over the counter" or to go at your nearest Euphoria Smoothies and Bistro Cafe.

Help combat FF1L1 and say no to run-of-the-mill fast food. Send us your ideas and tips on how we can fight FF1L1 together at [email protected] and the top ten best ideas/tips authors will get 2 free smoothies at their nearest Euphoria.
