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Buy 'American’ letter campaign grows legs

North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli’s ‘Buy American’ letter campaign has grown in strength not only catching the attention of the American Mayors of the cities they do business with but also the national media and the American Ambassador to Canada.
North Bay Mayor Victor Fedeli’s ‘Buy American’ letter campaign has grown in strength not only catching the attention of the American Mayors of the cities they do business with but also the national media and the American Ambassador to Canada.

The policy strictly calls for the American states and municipal governments receiving federal stimulus dollars to use those funds to purchase American-made products only, in turn causing great difficulty for both Canadian and U.S. manufacturers to do business.

As noted Fedeli’s grassroots letter campaign has picked up steam and this week Business Network News spoke with Fedeli and Cortland, New York, Mayor Tom Gallagher.

Watch the clip Here

Fedeli also had a private meeting with US Ambassador to Canada David Jacobsen (pictured above) while in Toronto this past Thursday for the Economic Club of Canada luncheon. Fedeli had the opportunity during the meeting to stress that he will continue the campaign that protectionism hurts everyone and we are starting to see the damage.