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Going for the record

Dancers get ready. The Capitol Centre, in conjunction with Penney & Company – Marketing and Design, will try to establish the Northeast Ontario record for largest dance class.
Dancers get ready. The Capitol Centre, in conjunction with Penney & Company – Marketing and Design, will try to establish the Northeast Ontario record for largest dance class.

Bernard Penney, of Penney & Company was hired on by the Capitol Centre to promote this event, which is taking place at the North Bay Mall on Lakeshore on Saturday the 19th at 2 p.m. He said there’s more to this event than setting a record.

“It’s all about promulgating Dance in society and letting people know that dance is a physical, low-impact, fun fitness activity that just about anybody can participate in,” said Penney.

Penney envisions this to be a pretty large event, as he would like to see anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 people taking part, and has already taken steps to ensure it happens, as they have been spreading the word out for about three weeks now and some local media outlets have started promoting the event.

“We’ve got the message out to all the schools in the area, and we have been well-received there,” said Penney. “We’ve hit interest groups, and fitness-type clubs.”

The feedback they’ve received thus far has been very positive according to Penney.

As there isn’t yet a record of this type for the Blue Sky region, one of the things they can measure up to is the Guinness Book of World Records.

“The current record is about 7,000 people…so eventually it would be nice to creep up to that. It would be nice to break that next Saturday,” said Penney as he laughed.

There will be some dignitaries at this event, including a certain Mayor of North Bay.

“It’s already in my book for two o’clock that day,” said Vic Fedeli.