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Remember it is illegal to let your dogs chase deer ...

MNR News Release ******************** The Ministry of Natural Resources reminds dog owners that it is illegal and dangerous to allow dogs to run loose and chase deer during the non-hunting season.
MNR News Release


The Ministry of Natural Resources reminds dog owners that it is illegal and dangerous to allow dogs to run loose and chase deer during the non-hunting season.


▪ It’s very difficult for deer to run in deep snow or on ice and being chased by a dog can cause injury, stress, exhaustion and even death.


▪ Dog owners are urged to keep their dogs leashed or in enclosures to ensure the safety of both dogs and deer.

▪ Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, it is illegal to let a dog run at large in an area inhabited by deer, moose, elk and bear during the closed season.

▪ The ministry’s conservation officers are authorized to destroy dogs found chasing deer, and dog owners may be charged under this legislation.

▪ The public can report incidents of dogs chasing deer to their local ministry office during regular business hours, or by calling 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free anytime.
