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Local mining industry takes another hit

While Canadians cracked open their wallets to snap up Boxing Day sales and give retailers a shot in the arm, the mining industry is taking an economic hit.
While Canadians cracked open their wallets to snap up Boxing Day sales and give retailers a shot in the arm, the mining industry is taking an economic hit.

Boart Longyear in North Bay announced a second round of layoffs Thursday that will see 39 employees out of work.

The continued global economic crisis and reduced orders for coring drill rods as the reasons the company sights for this round of cutbacks.

The first round of layoffs in October saw 45 people out of work locally and now union officials report that the production floor is running with just 90 workers.

Meanwhile, our colleagues 600-CKAT is reporting that the plant is closing operations in Australia and bringing the equipment and work to the Bay this summer. And that the local operation is a vital part of its global organization and will continue to supply coring rods to customers internationally.