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North Bay OPP and Kids Go Fishin’

Bob Izumi's Kids, Cops and Canadian Tire Fishing Days News Release ********************** Astorville - With the days getting sunnier, what better way to take advantage of the warm rays than attend the annual Kids Fishing Derby? On Saturday, June 21,

Bob Izumi's Kids, Cops and Canadian Tire Fishing Days
News Release


Astorville - With the days getting sunnier, what better way to take advantage of the warm rays than attend the annual Kids Fishing Derby?

On Saturday, June 21, children will be enjoying a day of fishing fun at the Government dock on Big Moose Road, Lake Nosbonsing.

The derby will run from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, and is hosted by the Nosbonsing Get Outdoors Club. Open to kids of all ages, registration will be $5, which includes all prizes, giveaways, and lunch! Prizes will be awarded for the longest fish in the following age categories: 7 and under, 8 – 12 and 12 and over. The young anglers are asked to bring all their fishing gear and can look forward to fishing from the shore, or from a boat, when accompanied by an adult. As well, officers from the North Bay OPP detachment will be on hand during the event.

This event is sponsored by the Nosbonsing Get Outdoors Club, Fishing Forever the PAO, Canadian Tire, and North Bay OPP.

According to Real Fishing's Bob Izumi, spokesperson for Fishing Forever, it’s appropriate that North Bay OPP will be involved in the event on Lake Nosbonsing. "Police officers spend their entire careers teaching and protecting our children," states Izumi. "The Astorville event is a fun way for kids to get to know these dedicated men and women and at the same time experience the joy of recreational fishing." Izumi's late father Joe enjoyed introducing children to fishing and, as a result, Bob has taken up the cause of using recreational fishing as a way to bring families closer and teach important life lessons to children.
