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Coming off a huge finish at the 5th annual 2008 FIRST Robotics Competition at the University of Waterloo last weekend, where the Near North Student Robotics Initiative (NNSRI) secured a spot at World Championships in Atlanta, the team kicked into Ove
Coming off a huge finish at the 5th annual 2008 FIRST Robotics Competition at the University of Waterloo last weekend, where the Near North Student Robotics Initiative (NNSRI) secured a spot at World Championships in Atlanta, the team kicked into Over Dive, packed up TTOMM the robot, and headed south for the Greater Toronto robotics competition in Mississauga.

In advance of the regional competitions the team has just 6 short weeks to design and build a robot that is sound enough to do battle on the floor in order to secure a spot at the 2008 FIRST Championships in Atlanta Georgia. Overcoming a few obstacles the team did just that, qualified for Atlanta, so heading into the Mississauga competition the team was looking to hone their skills.

After a full day of competition NNRSI 1305 is sitting 18th out 66 teams and that led to an evening of number crunching and scouting out potential team mates to help in the elimination matches in the hopes of landing in the finals.

The team has two games Saturday morning one at 9:50am and again at 11:14am before they know their fate.