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Boldt's story goes national updated

In advance of Maureen Boldt’s request for an extended leave from North Bay City Council, CBC News ‘Sunday’ was to air the story on Maureen Boldt this morning at 10 a.m. The CBC will also be at council Monday night.
In advance of Maureen Boldt’s request for an extended leave from North Bay City Council, CBC News ‘Sunday’ was to air the story on Maureen Boldt this morning at 10 a.m.

The CBC will also be at council Monday night.

Below is the request to council for the extended leave.


December 11, 2007.

Attention: The Mayor and Council;

This is my formal request to extend my leave until Monday February 18, 2008.

As per the Municipal Act, Section 259(1) "The office of a member of council of a municipality becomes vacant if the member, (c) is absent from the meetings of council for three successive months without being authorized to do so by a resolution of council." I want to point to you that the Act does not specify ANY grounds for that absenteeism and is therefore left to the discretion of Council.

As I am already being wrongfully punished, removing me from my seat could be viewed as additional punishment from my fellow Councillors.

I also would like to suggest that removing me from office, is morally wrong when I was elected for my fourth term by close to 6500 voters.

Would one of my fellow Councillors request a recorded vote please?

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Maureen Boldt


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